Thursday, May 16, 2013


Well first off what should you feed a Leopard Gecko?

  • Crickets (pinheads for Juveniles)
When feeding crickets to your leopard gecko its best to start with 5-6. And increase only a little over time if necessary. When feeding baby gecko's be sure to give them pinhead crickets, for they cannot fit an adult cricket in their mouths. Think about their bodies and how big there stomachs are, they can only eat so much! It is also better that when you are feeding crickets that you gut-load them. This mean you dust them with a calcium dust that provides nutrients that the crickets lack.

Note: Its best to feed crickets outside of the enclosure. Why? because if left unattended inside the enclosure it is said that crickets will bite your animals and harm them, and if your enclosure includes loose substrate such as sand or Eco-earth, your geckos may ingest that which is not healthy for them.
  • Meal Worms
Leopard Geckos love these and can be found at many pet stores. (along with everything else I'm listing!) Meal worms should be feed more often with the crickets. You can also freeze them so they last for a longer period of time. Place these in a taller food bowl so they don't escape or feed directly to your gecko.
  • Super Worms (Not recommended for Juveniles only because super worms are big!)
Super Worms are very fatty! But are great if your geckos need to bulk up. They are similar to meal worms just bigger.
  • Pinkies (For Adults)
The only reason I say pinkies are for adults is because pinkies are to big for juvenile geckos. These are also fatty and should only be fed as a treat once a month or so.

Juvenile Leopard Geckos should be fed daily! There diet consisting of mainly crickets and meal worms. Dust the crickets once a week for their nutrients.

Adults should be fed every other day or every three days. there Diet consisting of a little bit of everything! Also crickets should be dusted once a week for nutrients as well.

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